Steak burritos are an easy weeknight meal that can be thrown together early in the day and forgotten about. Now that LT is crawling and pulling up on everything, including me if I stand in one place too long in the kitchen, this is a great meal to make!
1 package flank or skirt steak
1/2 yellow onion, chopped
1 small can green chilies
1 package taco seasoning
I was nervous the first time that I tried this recipe. I was concerned because it didn't call for adding any liquid in the crock pot. But, have no fear, once the onion and chilies start to cook down there is plenty of cooking liquid.
Cover the crock pot and cook on low 8 hours - I started it mid morning for dinner around six.
Onions are is the genus allium which also contains shallots, garlic, leeks and chives. The distinctive flavor of a raw onion comes from sulfur containing chemicals that are a chemical defense against predators. Cooking the onion gives chemically changes the sulfur amino acids into either a savory or sweet flavor depending on the type of onion being cooked.
Modelo and lime!