Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Squash is Born!

Every morning around seven thirty LT wakes up and I hear him on the monitor. Along with him Maggy also arises from her sleeping location at the end of my bed - she gets up there after Mr. T leaves for work. And every morning Maggy decides that her needs come before anyone else's, even an 8 month old baby. So after going to get LT from his crib we walk out back and enjoy the fresh air while Maggy gobbles up her breakfast. This morning I checked on the garden and lookie there...

What is that? Let me get a better look.

Why it is a squash, a crooked neck squash to be exact. Isn't it cute and fun sized?

Here is a shot a little bit further away. This is an excellent example of how the vegetable of a plant grows out of the base of the flower.

There are both male and female flowers on summer squash plants, since there is a vegetable growing out of the base of this flower it is a female. The male flowers tend to have a skinnier stem leading up to the flower. Both are completely edible, however, the male flowers should not be picked because they are needed for pollination.

Next post will be a cooking one, I promise.


  1. You don't need a daughter, you already have female baby squashes....squashi. How do you pluralize squash?

  2. Can you please fry the squash flower? Thanks!

  3. I agree with Steph! But, first you should stuff it with tofu!
