Every morning around seven thirty LT wakes up and I hear him on the monitor. Along with him Maggy also arises from her sleeping location at the end of my bed - she gets up there after Mr. T leaves for work. And every morning Maggy decides that her needs come before anyone else's, even an 8 month old baby. So after going to get LT from his crib we walk out back and enjoy the fresh air while Maggy gobbles up her breakfast. This morning I checked on the garden and lookie there...

What is that? Let me get a better look.

Why it is a squash, a crooked neck squash to be exact. Isn't it cute and fun sized?
Here is a shot a little bit further away. This is an excellent example of how the vegetable of a plant grows out of the base of the flower.
There are both male and female flowers on summer squash plants, since there is a vegetable growing out of the base of this flower it is a female. The male flowers tend to have a skinnier stem leading up to the flower. Both are completely edible, however, the male flowers should not be picked because they are needed for pollination. Next post will be a cooking one, I promise.
You don't need a daughter, you already have female baby squashes....squashi. How do you pluralize squash?
ReplyDeleteCan you please fry the squash flower? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Steph! But, first you should stuff it with tofu!